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Lancaster Family Smiles Blog

Who Knew?! Fun Tooth Tidbits From a Dentist in Lancaster TX

January 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgupta @ 7:03 pm
Woman pointing at her smile

Woman pointing at her smile

It’s easy to take teeth for granted. Sure, on the surface of things they may seem a bit boring, but your little chompers are actually pretty interesting! Even if you use your teeth day in and day out without giving them a second thought, in reality they’re one more marvel of the human body. In fact, they can last 90-100 years if properly maintained and can go through millions of chewing cycles in that time. They’re also the first thing people see when you smile! So let’s take a moment to appreciate everything teeth do and look at some fun facts from a dentist in Lancaster TX.


Is My Dental Crown in Lancaster Up to Par? Traits of a Good Crown

December 4, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgupta @ 2:14 pm

two dental crowns outside and insideFor some time, you were dealing with the nagging pain of a decayed tooth and finally decided to take action. You went in to be examined, and your dentist determined that the best route to take for restoration was to add a crown to your tooth. After the procedure, though, you noticed that something seemed a little off about your new application. So you’ve decided to consult with your new dentist about your dental crown in Lancaster. Learn some of the ways of determining whether your crown is good or bad.


Getting Dental Implants in Lancaster? Learn the Basics Today

November 20, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgupta @ 6:25 pm

A closer look at implants in the jawbone. Modern technology continues to surpass expectations and surprise more people very day. When it comes to dental procedures and products, there is no exception. Dental implants in Lancaster are becoming more available to the public, which means more people have questions about dental implants and the implantation procedure. Luckily, the anatomy of the dental implant is simple and straightforward, so anyone can understand their parts once explained by their dentist.


What are the Parts of Dental Implants in Lancaster?

October 27, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drgupta @ 11:27 pm

Representation of dental implant partsIf you are suffering from tooth loss, you have heard many excellent reviews and testimonials about dental implants in Lancaster. As the only solution to treat tooth loss that replaces both the root and crown, they offer over a 95% success rate. Now, more than 500,000 are placed each year due to their exceptional benefits. As a result, they appear to be the ideal solution for you. However, while researching them, you have found that they involve multiple parts and different procedures. Although they are a bit more complex than traditional options, every component is vital for their long-term success.

Why Dental Implants Are Worth The Cost

September 15, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgupta @ 5:43 pm

A smiling woman in the dental chair.Anyone who has lived with a compromised or missing tooth understands the toll it takes on daily life. Eating becomes a challenge, and sometimes it’s even painful. Talking or smiling in front of other people feels uncomfortable when you are self-conscious about your tooth. You have heard that dental implants are the best solution, but the cost keeps you from moving forward. Here’s how you can fit dental implants into your budget.


A Dental Crown in Lancaster Can Significantly Improve Smiles

August 22, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgupta @ 6:17 pm

A dental crown in Lancaster can give a tooth a gorgeous makeover. To get a better understanding of what a dental crown is and how it can restore your smile, you must first understand the parts of a tooth:

  • The basics of a tooth are divided into two parts: the root and the crown.
  • The root is protected by healthy teeth and gums below the gum line.
  • The visible portion of your teeth are known as crowns.

So, when the visible portion of your tooth becomes damaged, your Lancaster Family Smiles may recommend that you receive a dental crown in Lancaster. Let’s explore more about dental crowns and how they can help you.


I’m Missing a Tooth! What Are My Options for Tooth Replacement?

August 6, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:50 pm

Man hiding his smile.Going to your favorite restaurant doesn’t seem as fun when you can’t order what you’d like to eat. It’s hard to chew steak when you’re living with a missing tooth, and it’s especially embarrassing trying to navigate different foods in front of your friends or family. You’ve often thought to yourself – there must be a better way, and there is! Here are your best options for tooth replacement.


Implant Dentist in Lancaster Reaches Fellowship!

June 19, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:56 pm

Dr. Mahima Gupta, your implant dentist in Lancaster has reached fellowship status.Congratulations to Dr. Mahima Gupta for reaching Fellowship status with the prestigious International Congress of Oral Implantologists, (ICOI). Gaining Fellowship required Dr. Gupta to complete over 100 hours of continuing education in the field of implant dentistry, and to present 20 completed implant cases, including both surgery and restoration. This means that if you need to replace one or more missing teeth, you can rest assured that you’re choosing an expert when you work with Dr. Gupta!


Why Do I Need a Dental Crown in Lancaster?

May 25, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drgupta @ 5:56 pm

Dr. Gupta will create a custom-made dental crown in Lancaster.After performing your semi-annual preventive checkup, did Dr. Mahima Gupta recommend you receive a dental crown in Lancaster? If so, it is not uncommon to be a bit confused. Many people tend to believe that they are only required with the root canal procedure. While they are used with root canals, dental crowns can be needed for several other reasons. They are quite versatile as they can restore the health of a tooth while also protecting it from damage. In some cases, they are even used for cosmetic procedures. As your family dentist, Dr. Gupta will provide the high-quality dental crown you need.

Perfect Teeth From Your Premier Orthodontist In Lancaster

April 13, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgupta @ 11:22 pm

Lancaster Family Smiles, your premier orthodontist in Lancaster, makes braces comfortable and affordable. Since you were a kid, you’ve been aware of your crooked teeth. You learned to smile with your lips closed, and when you look in the mirror, the imperfections don’t reflect the successful person you’ve become. You want to get your teeth straightened, but you don’t want just anyone fixing your grin. Who should you trust? Lancaster Family Smile, the most respected orthodontist in Lancaster, provides specialty care for patients with braces. Learn more about the team and how they can make your teeth perfectly straight in this post.


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