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Advantageous Extractions: 4 Benefits of Removing Troubled Teeth

September 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgupta @ 5:31 pm
Closeup of forceps grasping someone's tooth in their mouth

Did you know that an estimated 36% of Americans have dental anxiety? However, some patients experience so much worry about visiting their provider that they avoid important procedures that can improve their oral health, like tooth extractions.

It’s natural to feel nervous about having a troublesome tooth removed but rest assured; your dentist wouldn’t recommend it if they didn’t think it was necessary. Although they typically try everything to protect and preserve your natural teeth, if you have one that’s too decayed or damaged to be mended, then taking it out is the next best option.

Continue reading to learn about four additional benefits of this procedure to put your mind at ease!

Advantage #1: Pain Relief

One of the reasons many people avoid scheduling their extraction is because they’re worried it will hurt. The truth is that in many instances, removing an injured tooth alleviates the pain that they’ve been suffering. Furthermore, your dentist will numb the area with a topical anesthetic and has access to multiple forms of sedation to help you feel calm and comfortable the entire time.

Advantage #2:  Prevent Contagion

You might not realize it, but tooth decay is contagious. Dental problems don’t usually resolve themselves and tend to grow worse over time without intervention. If one of your pearly whites develops cavities that go unaddressed, it can spread to neighboring teeth and your jawbone. This can result in additional complex, costly procedures to repair.

Advantage #3: Protect Your Teeth

If tooth decay or disease is allowed to progress, it can infect and weaken your jawbone. Eventually, it can become too eroded to support your pearly whites. Unfortunately, this can result in tooth loss, which can detract from your daily quality of life. Untreated gaps make it harder to chew food, enunciate words, and smile genuinely without feeling self-conscious. You can preserve your grin by removing the problematic tooth before the damage spreads.

Advantage #4: Create Space

Some people need to have their teeth removed for other reasons. For example, it’s not uncommon for a few to be taken out to make room for a full set of dentures. Other patients have some pulled to accommodate orthodontics to straighten their smiles. When there’s not enough real estate available in your jawbone, taking out a tooth or two can make up the difference.

Now that you know how removing your troubled tooth can boost your health, there’s no reason to procrastinate your procedure!

About the Practice

At Lancaster Family Smiles, patients benefit from a team of dentists who provide a full range of high-quality services, including tooth extractions, at one convenient location. With 20+ years of combined experience, they can help improve your grin regardless of your current dental condition. Their friendly environment is equipped with state-of-the-art technology so they can deliver accurate, long-lasting results. Plus, they offer multiple forms of sedation to help put you at ease. If you have an injured or infected tooth, you can request an appointment on the website or call (469) 729-7707.

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