How Will a Dentist Prepare My Teeth for Crowns?
August 24, 2023

Even if you’re eager, you can’t just get a dental crown immediately. Your tooth must be prepped for it first; otherwise, the final cap won’t work well. That said, you might wonder: How do dentists prepare teeth for crowns? Is the process simple, extensive, or somewhere in between? As it happens, your Lancaster dental practice can address these questions. So, learn their answers in this summary of how dentists prepare teeth for high-quality dental crowns.
First, a Through Oral Exam
Before anything else, the dentist will closely examine your tooth. This step settles whether the pearly white needs a crown at all.
Specifically, this exam looks for signs of dental decay and damage. It thus (typically) involves dental X-rays – these images offer a better view of your tooth roots. Based on these final pictures, your dentist will decide whether to proceed with treatment.
Next, Some Dental Drilling
Once you’re approved for treatment, the dentist will remove your tooth’s damaged portions. They’ll rely on a dental drill for this process.
Fortunately, the removal work is quite painless. Your dentist will have numbed the treatment site before starting it. As a result, their efforts won’t cause any feelings of discomfort. At most, you’ll only sense some slight pressure as the dentist uses their drill.
After Drilling Comes Cleaning & Filling
When your tooth’s damaged areas are removed, the dentist will move to the next step. Namely, they’ll clean and fill the chomper’s newly formed empty spaces.
You see, cleaning and filling are crucial to crown prep. These actions remove harmful bits from the treatment site and thoroughly disinfect it. From there, your tooth is less likely to house harmful bacteria that might cause infections.
Last is the Smoothing Out Process
For the last part of preparation, your dentist will smooth out your tooth’s surfaces. In other words, they’ll shave and file down bits of the outer layer.
In reality, a decayed or damaged tooth can have sharp sections. (These are especially likely when enamel has chipped off.) Such areas can then harm your mouth by cutting its tissues. Worse yet, they’ll interfere with future crown placement. To counter such effects, your dentist will smooth out the rough spots so your final prosthetic fits well and seamlessly.
Ultimately, the steps above are vital to preparing a tooth for its crown. Given this fact, keep them in mind as you proceed with your treatment.
About the Practice
Lancaster Family Smiles is based in Lancaster, TX. Led by Dr. Mahima Gupta, our practice offers high-quality dentistry for the whole family. We thus perform preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services tailored to your unique smile, as well as emergency dental procedures. That means our dental crowns are also outstanding and effectively treat damaged or decayed teeth. For more information or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (469)-729-7707.
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