Is A Tooth Implant Right For Me?
October 21, 2021

You may be considering a tooth implant because you’re either missing teeth or your teeth are too weak to withstand chewing. You want the best for your mouth, and we understand that completely! But if your question is, “Is a tooth implant right for me?” we can give you some helpful information about implants and how they work. That way, when it’s time to decide whether or not an implant is an option for you, you’ll have all of the facts on hand!
What Is a Tooth Implant?
An implant is a dental restoration that can be used to replace teeth. Dental implants are one of the most successful and reliable treatments for tooth loss. They act as an anchor and replacement for natural teeth, so they offer stability and support where there were once teeth. If you have teeth missing or teeth that do not meet your needs, this article will help you decide if an implant is right for you!
When Is An Implant Not Right?
There are some situations where tooth implants may not be right for you. For example, if you have severe periodontal disease (gum disease) or your teeth and gums aren’t healthy enough to support a dental implant, this treatment won’t work well. Also, we don’t recommend that people under the age of 16 get an implant.
Implant Procedure
If you’re interested in getting teeth implants, the first thing we’ll do is take some x-rays and impressions. After that, we place a temporary restoration on your tooth to protect it while the implant heals into the bone. Once everything has healed properly and fully, then we can put on your final custom dental crowns!
Implant Benefits
First of all, dental implants can last a lifetime! The success rate for teeth implant treatments is very high, which means your teeth have the best chance of being stable and secure. Also, when it comes to maintenance or cleaning, they’re much easier because you won’t have to spend as much time on teeth brushing and flossing.
How Much Does It Cost?
The cost of teeth implants can vary depending on your specific treatment plan, but this is an investment in yourself and your teeth. It may be more costly than other treatments for tooth loss, but it’s well worth it if you want to keep teeth that are strong and sturdy!
We hope that you have a pretty good idea about whether teeth implants are right for you by now! If tooth implants aren’t the best option and there’s another way we can help, then we want you to know about it! For instance, it’s not surprising that teeth whitening is one of the most popular teeth-related topics on the internet. Millions of people are looking for teeth whitening options to help them get rid of stains, discoloration, and yellowing.
To know more on dental restoration or any other dental procedures, feel free to contact Lancaster Family Smiles. We’re always here to answer any more questions that you might have, so don’t hesitate to come in and see us.
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