How Will a Dentist Prepare My Teeth for Crowns?
August 24, 2023

Even if you’re eager, you can’t just get a dental crown immediately. Your tooth must be prepped for it first; otherwise, the final cap won’t work well. That said, you might wonder: How do dentists prepare teeth for crowns? Is the process simple, extensive, or somewhere in between? As it happens, your Lancaster dental practice can address these questions. So, learn their answers in this summary of how dentists prepare teeth for high-quality dental crowns.
(more…)Why Does My Lower Denture Keep Coming Loose?
August 11, 2023

A full set of dentures can completely transform your smile and restore your confidence. With dentures, you’ll be able to talk and eat the way you did before. However, there can be some vexing quirks to work out when you begin to use your dentures.
One of the most common frustrations is an unsecured lower denture that doesn’t seem to fit as well as the upper portion. Continue reading to learn more about why this happens and what you can do to mitigate it.